The brain, from a computer nerd’s perspective.

  • Amygdala — the panic button. It determines, based on external inputs, whether something calls for your body to enter an aroused state (throws an exception in runtime). This includes being hunted, hunting prey, public speaking, and talking to a cute girl.
  • Hippocampus — is the storage device providing context for a memory that can be committed to long-term storage.
  • Hypothalamus
  • Prefrontal cortex — the high-level executive function executor and the home of working memory, making it part of the RAM of the system. This is the last part of the modern brain to have evolved.
  • Basal Ganglia — handles the executed of cached automated behaviours (stored and optimised procedures). Famously, this is responsible for effortlessly executing routines and habits.
  • Nucleus Accumbens — the reward center which signals the pleasure to the prefrontal cortex.
  • Cerebellum — accelerometer module and motor coordinator. It contains about half of the brain’s total neurons, densely packed in ~10% of the total volume. It has an essential role in attention.


Frontal lobe, temporal lobe, parietal lobe.

Limbic System
