Python is a dynamically-typed high-level programming language whose design philosophy centres around readability and terseness. It’s used frequently for data science and machine learning, backend development, scripts and CLIs.

Code is sometimes described as pythonic, which just means it exploits Python’s language features and design to produce something very readable and elegant.

Virtual Environments

Always use a virtual environment. Source.

To prevent bloating the base Python installation with project dependencies and have reproducible/portable setups, use virtual environments.

pip install virtualenv
python -m venv ./venv     # Create a virtual environment in the new folder called `venv`.
source venv/bin/activate  # Use the virtual environment's Python installation.
deactivate                # Deactivate the current virtual environment.
pip freeze > requirements.txt   # Dumps all the current dependencies into `requirements.txt`.

Import System

Firstly, know these terms:

  • Module — any Python file. Literally any.
  • Package — directories containing A package contains one or multiple modules or further nested packages.

import is the main way we bring make one module’s code accessible in another.

  • There are also other non-standard ways to import. There’s __import__() and importlib.import_module(). Don’t use these.

When you run import foo these things happen:

  1. Searches for the foo module in sys.path.
  2. Creates a module object and binds it to a variable, foo.

When you run import

  1. Searches for the foo package in the paths in sys.path, and then finds the bar module in that package.
  2. Same as above. Creates a module object and assigns it to the foo variable.

When you run from foo import bar, baz:

  1. Searches for foo in the paths in sys.path.
  2. Creates a module object and assigns it to the foo variable.
  3. Declares and initialises variables bar = and baz = foo.baz.
    • Note: if the exported binding doesn’t exist, then Python attempts to interpret bar as a submodule, so it tries import as a fallback.
  4. Deletes the foo variable.

Relative Imports

Best Practice: Relative imports are generally discouraged since they’re less readable, less understood, and easy to break.

All relative imports are done with from _ import _. The import _ statement is always absolute and so relative imports aren’t possible with it.

from . import foo     # From the current package, import `foo`.
from .bar import baz  # From the `bar` module in the current package, import `baz`.
  • . is the current package, which is what __package__ is set to.
  • .. is the parent package.

Some crucial details to note:

  • Python files are loaded as either a module or a top-level script. When you do python, you are loading as a top-level script.
  • Top-level scripts have __name__ set to __main__. There is only ever 1 top-level script.
  • Modules have __name__ set to a dot-separated string of their package path.
  • The __name__ is used to determine where the current file is in a package, not the filesystem structure like in other languages. If __name__ is __main__, then you’ll get the no known parent package error.

The presence of this file (even if empty) indicates that the containing folder is a package, not a regular directory. This rule was dropped for subpackages, however, to improve developer experience.

Whatever you import inside becomes accessible directly under the package name for consumers. E.g. in the example below, consumers can just do from foo import baz. This works a bit similarly to the index.js file exporting variables in JavaScript.

# foo/
from import baz
# From a different file, you can do
from foo import baz


Take notes from here:

To make a member private, prefix its name with an underscore _. This doesn’t actually do anything, it’s just an agreed upon standard for documenting something should be private. There’s nothing stopping users of the class from invoking private methods.

  • Name mangling ensures that subclasses don’t unknowingly override a private function with the same name.

TODO: @classmethod decorator. See

Getter and Setter

class Foo:
    def __init__(self):
        self._foo = ""
    def foo(self):
        """ Getter. """
        return self._foo
    def foo(self, new_foo):
        """ Setter. """
        self._foo = new_foo

Type System

Python is dynamically-typed and will always stay that way, however you can still opt to add static types wherever you find it useful, like how you might mix JavaScript and TypeScript code. Static typing is massively helpful in large projects as opposed to one-off scripts.

Type Hints

Type hints do nothing at runtime. You have to use a static type checker such as Mypy, or PyLance with VSCode, for example.

Typing variables and functions in Python is very similar to how it’s done in TypeScript.

def make_greeting(name: str, age: int = 42) -> str:
    return f"{name} {age}"
greeting: str = make_greeting("Andrew")    # Although the type can be inferred, annotating the type is still great for documentation.

typing Module

Python 3.5 supplies the typing built-in module brings in a lot of advanced static typing utilities such as those seen in TypeScript.

Standard Built-In Modules

See standard built-in modules.

File Manipulation

Python has built-in top-level functions for file manipulation:

# Reading.
my_file = open(filename, "r")
lines: List[str] = my_file.readlines()
# Alternatively, using `with`:
with open(filename, "r") as my_file:
    lines: List[str] = my_file.readlines()
# Writing.
with open(filename, "w") as my_file:
    my_file.writelines(["Hello", "World"])


os provides a bunch of useful functions for working with the filesystem.

os.path.join(*path_fragments)   # Forms a complete path in a cross-OS way (since Windows uses backslash separators).
os.makedirs(path)                 # Like `mkdir -p`, which creates all non-existent directories along the path.


See regex.

Use raw strings r"..." when specifying regex patterns to avoid being confused about what characters are being escaped.

regex = re.compile(r"...")
match =  # `re.Match` object contains info about the search. If no match was found, then `match == None`.
# Equivalent to the above, but you can't reuse the compiled regex.
result = re.match(r"...", haystack)

Capture Groups:

match = re.match(r"(\w+) (\w+)", "Linus Torvalds")
match[0]        # The original string, "Linus Torvalds".  #   Equivalent to above.
match[1]        # First capture group, "Linus".  #   Equivalent to above.
match[2]        # Second capture group, "Torvalds".  #   Equivalent to above.


Use datetime to work with dates. Use time for lower-level operations involving time.

Convert between strings and dates:

from datetime import datetime
# strptime: str → datetime
date_str = "2022-09-20"
date_obj = datetime.strptime(date_str, "%Y-%m-%d")
# strftime: datetime → str
date_obj =
date_str = date_obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")   # → YYYY-MM-DD

Date arithmetic and comparison: Use timedelta to add/subtract time from a date. You can directly use comparison operators on datetime objects.

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
today =
yesterday = today - timedelta(days=1)
assert(yesterday < today)


See Logging for more about logging in general.

import logging
  • There are generally 5 log severity levels: debug, info, warning, error, critical.

To capture exceptions, do this:

	result = 1 / 0
except ZeroDivisionError:
	logging.exception('Divided by zero.')

Logging Config

Use basicConfig to set things like where to write logs to, and what severity levels to capture.

	filename='foo.log',    # File to log to.
	level=logging.DEBUG    # Write all logs from DEBUG severity and above.

Logging Hierarchy

By default when you just directly invoke functions like logging.debug, you are using the root logger. When you invoke basicConfig, you are configuring the root logger.

The root logger’s config is inherited by all your custom loggers. So doing logging.basicConfig will mean that loggers you create also use that config.

You can also create custom loggers with their own config and log format.

Best practice: Don’t use the root logger, create a non-root logger to use. This prevents the problem where you import a module that also invokes basicConfig to configure the root logger after you’ve already done so.

Example logger, formatter and file handler creation:

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)   # It's normal to assign the logger the module name.
# For non-root loggers, you also need to create a 'formatter' and 'file handler'.
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(name)s : %(message)s')
file_handler = logging.FileHandler('foo.log')
# Attach file handler to logger.
# To log, do `` instead of ``.'...')

Community Libraries


pip install pylint
pylint $FILE_OR_DIR    # Reports a bunch of style violations.

Pylint defaults to the PEP 8 style guide.

Pylint just handles code analysis and won’t do any formatting for you to fix style violations. It’s useful to run as a Git pre-commit. For code formatting, use a code formatter such as autopep8.


Pre-commit lets you install Git hooks that can help you enforce some checks before a Git commit is created. A common use is to run linters just before creating Git commit to make sure the commit conforms to good style.

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit sample-config > .pre-commit-config.yaml
pre-commit install

Example .pre-commit-config.yaml file:

-   repo:
    rev: v3.2.0
    -   id: pylint