Things I should utilise more:

  • ; and , to repeat the last motion forwards and backwards respectively.
    • E.g. t_ to jump to next underscore, then press ; to keep going to the next underscore after that.


# ═════ Operators ═════
C             # Delete until the end of the line
.             # Repeats the last command that modified the text buffer.
# ═════ Motions ═════
%                 # Jump to matching {} () character
{c|d}t<char>      # Delete up to the first occurrence of char
{c|d}f<char>      # Delete up to and including the first occurrence of char
d/<str>           # Delete until the first occurrence of str
# ═════ Text Objects ═════
{operator}{a|i}w    # Words
		ciw             # Delete current word
		ci"             # Delete contents of quoted string "..."
{operator}{a|i}t    # HTML tags
		dit             # Delete an HTML element's contents
		dat             # Delete an entire HTML element
{operator}{a|i}b    # ( ... )
		cib             # Delete all code in this ( block
{operator}{a|i}B    # { ... }
		ciB             # Delete all code in this { block
# ═════ Transformations ═════
u             # Lowercase highlighted text
U             # Uppercase highlighted text
gq<enter>     # If a given line exceeds 80 characters, then reformat it automatically
# ═════ ... ═════
gi             # Drops you back to where you were last in insert mode
<n>g;          # Drops you back to where you made the last n-th edit.
# ═════ Vim Surround ═════
cs'"          # Changes single quotes to double quotes
Sb            # Surrounds highlighted text with ()
SB            # Surrounds highlighted text with {}
dst           # Deletes surrounding HTML tags

Vim Basics

Vim exists in 3 modes at any given time:

  1. Normal mode β€” navigation and editing.
  2. Insert mode β€” typing characters directly.
  3. Visual mode β€” making visual selections of text.

  • Saving and quitting
    :q     # Quit
    :w     # Save changes
    :wq    # Write the bytes into the file and quit
    :q!    # Force quit, losing unsaved changes
  • Inserting, deleting, replacing Insert mode:
    i   # Enter insert mode
    I   # Enter insert mode at the very start of this line
    a   # Enter insert mode one character after the cursor
    A   # Enter insert mode at the very end of this line
    o   # Inserts a new line below and puts you in insert mode
    O   # Inserts a new line above and puts you in insert mode
    dd   # Deletes the current line
    D    # Deletes everything past the right of the cursor
    cw   # 'Change word'. This deletes the current word and puts you in insert mode
    R    # Enters replace mode
  • Undo and redo
    u         # Undo last change
    ctrl + r  # Redo last change
  • Copy and paste
    yy   # Copies/'yanks' the current line to the clipboard
    p    # Pastes the line below the current line
  • Zoom and view
    ctrl + +  # Zoom in
    ctrl + -  # Zoom out
    zz        # Recenter the viewpane around the current cursor location 
  • Visual mode: lets you visually confirm what lines of text you intend to manipulate. ctrl+v to enter visual mode. You can use any navigation command availabe in command mode within visual mode, eg. h, j, k, l for navigation, {, } for skipping code blocks.
    V         # Select entire lines
  • Misc. β€” other helpful keys
    .    # Repeats the last command used. Super powerful
    u    # Lowercase the selected text
    U    # Uppercase the selected text
  • Macros
    q <char>  # Starts recording a macro on a specified character
    @ <char>  # Plays the macro on a specified character
  • Registers
    :reg     # Views the contents of registers
  • Scrolling
    # Vertical scrolling
    ctrl + y    # 1 line UP
    ctrl + e    # 1 line DOWN
    ctrl + u    # 1/2 screen UP
    ctrl + d    # 1/2 screen DOWN
    ctrl + b    # One full screen UP
    ctrl + f    # One full screen DOWN
    # Horizontal scrolling
    zH          # Half a screen width to the left    (remember that 'h' goes left in normal Vim navigation)
    zL          # Half a screen width to the right   (remember that 'l' goes right in normal Vim navigation)


Motions are movement commands for moving the cursor to different positions.

  • You can use operators with motions: . For example, d3j.
  • You can repeat motions: . For example, 5k.
# Commonly used commands are bolded and highlighted
**# ------------------------------- Basic Motions ------------------------------ #**
**h**      ←
**j**      ↑
**k**      ↓
**l**      β†’
**# -------------------------------- Word Motions ------------------------------ #**
# A ***word*** in Vim is a sequence of alphanumeric characters OR a sequence of 
# non-whitespace characters
#     Eg. These are considered as **single** words: 
#           *word*
#           *asdf1234*
#           *,,,*
#           *......*
#           *././%*
# A ***WORD*** in Vim is a sequence of non-whitespace characters
#     Eg. These are considered as **single** WORDs: 
#           *myFunc()*
#           *[1,2,3]*
**w**     # Move to the **beginning of the next** **word**
**b**     # Move to the **beginning of the previous word**
      # (***b***ack)
**e**     # Move to the **last** character of the **current or next word**
      # (***e***nd)
**# WORD equivalents:**
**# ---------------------------------- Jumping --------------------------------- #
# Forward Jumping:**
**f <char>**    # Move to the **first occurrence** of **<char>** in the current line
            # (***f***ind)
**t <char>**    # Move to the character **before the first occurrence** of **<char>** in the current line
            # (un***t***il)
**;**           # Repeat the last character search (jump to next occurrence)
**# Backward Equivalents:**
**F <char>**    
**T <char>**
**,**           # Repeat the last character search (jump to previous occurrence)
**# ------------------------------- Line Motions ------------------------------- #**
**^**     # Move to the first non-whitespace character in this line
0     # Move to the absolute start of the line
$     # Move to the end of the line
**g_**    # Move to the last non-whitespace character in this line
%     # Moves to the corresponding parentheses, curly bracket or square bracket
G     # Move to the bottom of the file
gg    # Move to the top of the file
}     # Move past the next block of paragraph/code
{     # Move behind the previous block of paragraph/code
:<num>   # Move to a specified line number
*     # Moves to the next instance of the current word in this file. Useful for
      # finding where a function is called

Text Objects

You can perform operations on common text objects that occur in code and prose. Format: , where:

  • β€” apply the operator β€˜around’ the text object.
  • β€” apply the operator β€˜inside’ the text object.
  • includes:


y is an operator just like d, so you can use it in . I prefer to yank visual mode selections instead since it gives me better confidence of precisely what I yanked.

Registers: Vim gives you a set of registers that you can yank text into. The operators d and c are actually cutting things, not deleting them. You save to a register by doing or if you use visual mode, then it’s .

  • " β€” this is where text gets yanked into by default (when you don’t specify a register).
  • a-z β€” general-purpose registers you can yank text into explicitly.
  • 1-9 β€” stores the last 9 things you cut.
  • + or * β€” system clipboard. I prefer to override Vim to still use the classic ctrl+c and ctrl+v however.

You can also paste from a register while in insert mode: . For example, inserts whatever is in register β€œ

In normal mode:

  • Forward search: /<pattern>
  • Backward search: ?<pattern>

Press n to see the next occurrence, or N for previous occurrrence.

Command-Line Mode

There are a lot ex commands that you can invoke with : in normal mode. Note: the VSCodeVim extension has a limited set of ex commands.

:[range]s/pattern/replacement/<flags>   # sed substitution with regex pattern matching.
    :s///                               # Find and replace first occurrence in the current line.
    :s///g                              # Find and replace all occurrences in the current line.
	:% s///g                            # Find and replace all occurrences in the file.
                                        # Note: you can set the % range to be default since it's so commonly used.
:<line_num>              # Jump to specific line number.
:edit <relative_path>    # Opens a new file for editing at the relative path from the currently open file. 
                         # Useful for quickly creating files in the same directory (or nearby) as the current file.
:e <relative_path>       # Shorthand.

Some ex commands can be applied over a range of lines. Format: .

:d a        # Deletes the current line and stores it in register a.
:5,8d a     # Deletes lines 5, 6, 7, 8 and stores them in register a.
:5,3+d a    # Same as above but uses a 'run length' of 3 lines.
:.,3+d a    # Deletes this line and the next 2.
:.,$d a     # Deletes everything from this line to the end of the file.
:%d a       # Deletes the entire file.

Ranged ex commands are sometimes faster than if you were to navigate the cursor to the right positions before executing some command.


Often you are at, say, line 123 and want to check line 321, then go back to line 123. A good way to do this is to use marks.

m <letter> β€” assigns a letter to the current line number.

  • ma marks the current line as β€˜mark a’.
  • 'a jumps to β€˜mark a’.

:marks lists all marks.


A collection of frequently used combos.

Deletion/Edit combos:

d }         # Deletes the next code block
d w         # Deletes the next word
d t <char>  # Deletes everything up to the specified character 
d <line> gg # Deletes everything up a specified line number

In general, d can be combined with any navigation command.

  • vi( β€” highlight all code between the current pair of parentheses. Works across multiple lines
  • ci( β€” delete everything between current pair of parentheses and go into insert mode
    • Works for all types of β€˜container’ characters (eg. ci{, ci[, ci<, ci")
  • c% β€” the % motion finds the next open parenthesis and jumps to its matching parenthesis
    • Everything between ^ and B are deleted
    • % also works for [, {, <, etc.

Word operations:

  • caw β€” delete the current word and go into insert mode. Remember caw == "change a word"
    • ciw β€” I tend to use this one more
    • ciW β€” deletes the entire word you’re on but a β€˜word’ is delimited by whitespace characters rather than by punctuation characters like by default
  • ea β€” jump to the end of the current word and go into insert mode

Next occurrence:

  • dt<char> β€” deletes everything up to a particular character in the forward direction
    • dT<char> β€” in the backward direction

Copy and paste:

  • yaw β€” yanks the current word. Remember yaw == "yank a word"


  1. Highlight the block of code in visual mode
  2. > to indent forward or < to indent backwards
  3. gv> to continue indenting the same block forward. Use . to repeat this and u to undo gv< for indenting backwards

Visual mode:

  • gv β€” highlights the last highlighted block of code
  • o β€” toggles the cursor between the top and bottom of the selected code
  • <num>G β€” highlights up to the specified line number

Tab changing:

  • gt β€” next tab
  • gT β€” previous tab
  • <num>gt β€” jump to numbered tab


To add a new theme:

  1. mkdir ~/.vim
  2. git clone $THEME_GIT_REPO ~/.vim
  3. Then in .vimrc add the line: colorscheme $THEME_NAME.


Note: the VSCodeVim extension ships with some of the most useful Vim plugins built-in. Eg. Vim Surround.

Vim Surround

Provides operations for affecting enclosing characters such as (, [, <, {, <p>, etc.

  • Delete surroundings:
  • Change surroundings:
  • Surround currently highlighted:
ds<char>       # Removes the enclosing character specified
	dsb        # Deletes surrounding ()
    ds'        # Deletes surround ''
	dst        # Deletes the surrounding HTML tags

cs<old><new>   # Swaps the old enclosing character to a new enclosing character
	Eg. cs'`   # Changes 'hello' to `hello`
	cs[{       # Changes [hello] to {hello}
	cst"       # Changes <tag>hello</tag> to "hello" 

S<char>        # Surround the currently highlighted text with the given character.
	Eg. Sb     # Surround with (). Same as S(   
	SB         # Surround with {}. Same as S}
	S"         # Surround with "" 
	Stli>      # Surround with <li>