TODO: continue at chapter 3 in The Rust Programming Language book:

“Rust’s greatest ambition is to eliminate the trade-offs that programmers have accepted for decades by providing safety and productivity, speed and ergonomics.” — The Rust Programming Language

Rust is a strong statically typed low-level programming language that supports many programming paradigms. It’s designed to have comparable performance to C/C++ while offering great developer experience and preventing pitfalls in low-level programming such as memory leaks, security vulnerabilities, etc.

Rust is named after a fungus that is robust, distributed, and parallel.

When you install Rust, you also get the following CLIs:

  • rustup — a Rust version manager.
  • rustc — the ahead-of-time Rust compiler, similar to gcc for C/C++. For bigger projects, you’d use cargo to compile and run the project, not rustc.
  • cargo — the dependency manager and build tool.
  • rustfmt — a formatter for enforcing code style.


Every Rust program must implement one main function as the entrypoint to the program.


Declare variables with let.

  • All variables are immutable by default.
    • In languages like JavaScript or C++, you’d explicitly specify this with the const qualifier.
  • Use the mut qualifier to allow a variable to be assigned to another value after initialisation.
    let mut i = 0;
  • Rust implements type inference, similar to TypeScript.
  • Variable shadowing is allowed. Instead of getting a ‘variable redefinition’ error, Rust lets you reuse the same binding which is useful for when you need to typecast.
    let mut meaningOfLife: String = "Forty two";
    let meaningOfLife: u32 = 42;


You can pass a reference to a variable in function calls so that they read/write to the same variable’s memory. Like variables, references are immutable by default, even if it’s a reference to a mutable variable.

let mut buffer = String::new();
    .read_line(&mut buffer)
    .expect("Failed to read from stdin.");



You invoke macros the same way as invoking functions, but you append ! to the macro name. Eg. println!("Hello world") invokes the println macro.


Expressions can be interpolated into strings with {}. For example: "Hello {name}".


Like C++, Rust has a standard library accessible under the std namespace.

Write use statements to bring new bindings into scope in the current file. For example: use std::io.

Memory Management

Rust does not use a garbage collector to implement memory safety like in most languages. Instead, it achieves memory safety through ownership and borrowing.

Pattern Matching

match expressions consist of arms, each of which contain a pattern/condition and the code to execute when that pattern/condition is matched.


Error Handling

Error handling is done through std::result::Result. … Result is an enum that can exist in multiple states, eg. Ok and Err.

  • Ok wraps around the successful path’s expected value.
  • Err contains information about the failure.


Rust projects using Cargo must go by a standard directory structure where all source code is kept in src.

cargo new <project_name>  # Creates a new directory, boilerplate and `Cargo.toml` file.
cargo build               # Compiles the project, dumping to output to a `target` directory.
    --release             #   → builds and optimised executable for production.
cargo run                 # Compiles and runs the project.
cargo check               # Sanity-checking that compilation works. Doesn't produce executables.
cargo doc --open          

We call dependencies ‘crates’. They can either be binary crates, which build to an executable, or library crates, which contain code that is to be consumed by other crates. External dependencies are fetched from the registry:
