Dart is a statically-typed and object-oriented programming language, designed specifically for building cross-platform apps/frontends that can be run on Android, iOS, native desktop (Windows, macOS, Linux) and web browsers. Its syntax is similar to a merging of Java, JavaScript and TypeScript. Although it’s intended to be used for building frontends, Dart can also be used on the server, just like JavaScript.
Compilation Model
The Dart virtual machine, which ships with the Dart SDK, enables Dart code to be compiled to the native (machine) code for mobile devices or desktops.
Dart source code can also be transpiled to JavaScript for the web browser (using dart2js, which also ships with the Dart SDK).
JIT compilation.
AOT compilation.
- ’ vs ”
- When invoking functions, you can set named parameters like
color: Colors.red
- Callbacks:
(params) { ... }
and(params) => ...
? const
Floored division: 5 ~/ 2 == 2
Ternary operator: () ? () : ()
Any identifier whose name starts with _
becomes privately scoped to the file it’s in. No other file in the project can access that identifier.
Set: <Type>{}
Array: <Type>[]
Dart Libraries
TODO core libraries: https://dart.dev/guides/libraries/library-tour
TODO: pub.dev